We have formed the subsidiary company named Chit Shun Enterprises Co Ltd for manufacturing and global marketing.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾捷順國際興業有限公司

是本地新興起的一個自家童裝品牌, 每星期都會推出各款與別不同的新設計來迎合大眾不斷求新的要求。所有款式均可在香港各分店及本店的網站內選購, 我們更有充足的貨源及多個尺碼以供小朋友的不同所需。


本店為美國品牌零售商包括Bonnie Jean, Rare Editions, Funny Girl Designs, Luvable Friends。同時本店亦經營其他美國名牌包括Paul Frank, Calvin Klein, Timberland, Baby Gap, Nike, Puma, Adidas, Gymboree等等。希望波兒寶寶帶給顧客優質的產品及滿意的服務。
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾波兒寶寶童裝美國直接進口名牌童裝熱賣

Thus, we can provide a wide range of baby products. In particular, we specialized in making gift sets containing soft and hard goods.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾盈豐嬰兒用品有限公司

Products:Furniture, Decor,Clothing,Rugs,Light Set,Seating,Bedding & Mattress,New Born,On the Go & Gear,Feeding,Bath & Skin Care

We believe, by providing high quality organic baby clothes, we can protect he future of the world that our children will inherit.

Bird's Eye Aquarium - 從上而下,清晰可見
A買賣及批發 / 寵物- 水族AQ Spring Co Ltd

For enquiry, please feel free to contact Ms.Van Wai at 2384 3531. Book Name: 書名: Dealing with Delinquent Students 教育問題學生的秘笈 Price: 定價: HK$ 80.00 Order Form 訂購表格: Download the order form (PDF Format)
買賣及批發 / 書籍及光碟協青社(Youth Outreach)
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