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Company Mission To provide clients with quality timepieces, excellent service & on-time delivery so that clients can be trouble-free in doing business with us. Business Scope TIME INDUSTRIAL MANU
TTime Art Manufactory Limited

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本公司自成立至今,主要生產及批發高檔K金鉆飾,K金首飾空台,市場集中於中東、歐洲、東南亞、美國、加拿大等地。所有產品都由專業工匠精心制造,設計高贵为主。 為了加強競爭力,自二○○二年,本公司將生產線轉移至中國內地(廣東省中山市),務求生產價廉而優質珠寶首飾。 香港市場方面,除提供鉆飾,首飾空台選購外,本公司更以批發價格,銷售優質美鉆,並代客設計和鑲作等服務,以滿足客人對首飾之個人喜好。 本公司一

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寶邦珠寶有限公司成立於1990年,一向以“誠信、溝通、協調、開拓”为宗旨,赢得客户的信赖。 宝邦珠宝于广东省肇庆高要市自设厂房,占地面积100亩,除配备先进机器及诚聘大量专业技师外,厂内更兴建环境舒适的员工宿舍及娱乐休闲设施,务求提高员工生产力,为顾客提供价格相宜且质量卓越之首饰。厂房内特设酒店式客房,欢迎顾客前来参观,以了解宝邦珠宝的业务情况及生产技术,促进彼此商机。宝
MMr Benedict Quek

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Shop by Category Ring Pendant Earrings Bracelet Bangle Necklace Matching Set Men's Jewelry Watch Chain Accessories Gift Boxes Display&others Jewelry Design Shop by Material Stainless Steel Titani
RRoyal Partners International Company

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深圳市佳藝芳玉器珠宝商行,香港佳藝玉器公司是一家联营公司,香港佳藝玉器公司成立於一九八五年,為本港其中一間经营缅甸翡翠、珠宝首飾、工藝雕刻品生產商及出口商。公司自設工場,生產製作各類翡翠首飾品及各種工藝雕刻品,在選料方面,力求選取上等天然原材料制作,以緬甸翡翠,新彊白玉,台灣紅珊瑚,東海縣水晶,遼寧瑪瑙為主要材料。產品款式多樣化,價錢合理,歡迎買家資詢洽談或來樣加工。 服務范圍:耳環、胸針、戒指
MMr. Li

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典美珠寶(香港)成立於2005年,主要經營珠寶生產及出口業務。 總部設於香港,聘用員工30多名。另於中國深圳自設加工廠房,由經驗師傅帶領200名專業生產人員運作,年產量達50,000件。 作為一間年輕及有活力的珠寶批發商,典美致力於提供優質的產品及貼身的服務,不斷優化及與時並進,務求令顧客感有賓至如歸的感覺。為貫徹De Vere的經營理念,所有產品址附合國際標準及完美工藝。

$ 詢問
4M Goldmec Jewelry Limted is a Hong Kong based company with a factory in Shenzhen, China. We are joining HK International Jewellery Show in March, Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair in June and Sep
44M Goldmec Jewelry Limited

$ 詢問
Alloy Temptation Jewellery Company is a manufacturer and exporter of fine jewellery. We started production in China since 1988 and have been expanding to a 400 workers factory today. Recently, we hav
AAlloy Temptation Jewellery Company

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Trine120 Creative Metal Group Ltd Ms. Chan 2493 9618 http://www.trine120.com.hk
MMs. Chan

$ 詢問
Dalumi is focused on continuing its global presence in the evolving diamond market, using inventiveness and skills passed down in the family from its foundation. Our friendship and togetherness have
SShermin Chan

We are a professional watch manufacturer with over fifteen year's experience in watch production. We have produced watches for a wide variety of brands from our esteem customers. Normally we will use
HHo Kit Enterprises Ltd

$ 詢問
Jewellery Links is a reputable costume jewellery manufacturer for over thirty years and have a well-developed manufacturing plant in Guangdong province of China. As such, our products' quality, quant
JJewellery Links Internatinal Co. Ltd

$ 詢問
六十餘年來,香港環球首飾行有限公司一直為顧客提供高質素的人手製珠寶首飾,獲得遍佈全球的客戶稱許為珠寶業內的翹楚,成為亨負盛名的珠寶製造商。香港環球不斷致力提升產品的生產技術及營運管理策略,透過優越的設計及精巧的手工,製造出高質素產品。 我們四百多位經驗豐富的工匠對工作盡責投入及滿有熱誠,他們運用精湛出眾的珠寶製作專業知識及技巧,將設計師創新和獨特的設計概念巧妙地融合於珠寶首飾製作過程裡,為顧客創
DDiamond Ray Jewellery Ltd.

$ 詢問
Alain Chan & Associates provides customers with products of high quality with competitive prices and prompt delivery. Your satisfaction is always our first concern. Contact us now and let’s
AAlain Chan Associates

$ 詢問
The company Zimmermann BCS Stones / Herotron Technologies is specialized in Topaz treatments and stabilizing of all kinds of“soft”materials such as Turquoise, Lapis, Chrysocolla and any o
ZZimmermann B.C.S. Stones HK Ltd.

$ 詢問
Times Jewellery Co. Ltd. is a manufacturer and exporter of fine jewellery and we provide custom design as well. Our products are include karat gold diamond, pearl and semi-precious stone jewellery Co
TTimes Jewellery Company Limited

$ 詢問
We specilize in cutting natural turquoise of US Arizona and black opal Australia Lightning Ridge. Company: William Opal Co Office Address: Room 811, Chuang's Hung Hom Plaza, 83 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom,
WWilliam Opal Co

$ 詢問
We identify ourselves as a Design manufacturer to produce high-end silver jewelry. Our factory is located in Panyu, China. Our products distribute to mail order companies, department stores, wholesal
TTimax Jewelry Ltd

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choi fook gems & jewellery factory ltd, specialize in selling high quality of semi-precious stone and having some unique stine-cytting production for satisfacting our customer needs. Moreover, we
CChoi Fook Gems Jewellery Factory Limited

$ 詢問
Bright Aggregation Technology Ltd. (BAT) was established in year 1996. BAT commits himself to work in high-tech timepieces that brings accuracy, fashion, and convenient to end user’s daily life.
DDaca Electronics Co Ltd
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