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輕巧方便, 歐洲原装電動輪椅 Vermeiren Express V,9成新,急放,可議價.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2021-06-28 刊登者: rachelkwok97

9成新, 容易操控,歐洲原装電動輪椅 Vermeiren Express V,配備可調節高度和寬度的腳踏板和扶手。 有安全帶, 剎車平穩,不會磨損輪胎, 可以靈活地在較小的屋内移動,配有強大的電機和電池,充電快速安全, 在室外移動减少震動,十分平穩。附上詳細說明書。
於盈康醫療用品公司全新購入,比較少用, 原價16000元,現價6800元。另外於Otto Bock Asia Pacific Limited 購入全新原装空氣坐墊,附上購物單,原價 3600元, 現價1800 元 ,可以調整充气.   以上可單售電動輪椅,可單售空氣坐墊, 屋主欲搬迁,急放,可議價,有意請聯絡.

The Vermeiren  Express V is an electronic wheelchair with a double cross, equipped with footrests and armrests which are adjustable in height and width. Complete with a powerful motor and batteries for a smooth driving experience. The Express V is very compact  making it easy to navigate in smaller spaces. Air cushion was purchased from Otto bock Asia Pacific Limited. You can purchase the electric wheelchair / air cushion seperately or combine at a good price. Please contract : Ms. Kwok.

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