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Ing Cookies 免費請您食試

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Ing Cookies

Ing cookies are a handmade using organic and all natural ingredients bring you back the taste of home goodess from you childhood.




Ing Cookie began as an annual homemade holiday season treat. After countless request from family and friends for our cookies, we decided to launch our goods to share with all.



As an exclusive home-based bakery that only ever uses the best chocolate, coffee, crystallized ginger, French butter, pure vanilla, and organic flours. We believe in the finest all natural, organic, and fresh ingredients to keep our products as healthy as possible.

作為一個獨家以家庭為基礎的烘焙房,堅持使用最好材料,包括:朱古力,咖啡,糖姜,法國牛油,純香草,有機麵粉等. 我們深信用新鮮天然材料及愛心,定能做出簡單天然健康產品.


由即日起可致電59467349索取免費試食,每人一份,,數量有限,送完即止 **必需致電預約領取**星期一至星期五 11:00-19:00

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