提供產品:蒸餾酒及烈酒, 紅酒工具及酒櫃, 其他特色佳釀, 咖啡產品, 咖啡豆及研磨咖啡, 專業咖啡機, 辦公室咖啡機等.
熱火1000 Heatfire1000

提供產品:法國餐酒, 澳洲餐酒, 智利餐酒, 阿根廷餐酒, 西班牙餐酒, 意大利餐酒, 美國餐酒, 南非餐酒, 德國餐酒, 尼泊爾特色酒樽等.
熱火1000 Heatfire1000

公司宗旨是要將國際上質量在中高檔水平、價格合理的食品配料 —包括食用香精, 引進中國及香港食品市場, 協助廠家配製生產優質食品, 以滿足市場及消費者的需要.
溢興泰發展有限公司 Premium Development Company Limited

提供產品:食用香精, 乳蛋白, 濃縮果汁, 食用香料, 甜味劑, 食用色素, 變性澱粉,麥芽糖糊精 等.
溢興泰發展有限公司 Premium Development Company Limited

提供產品:亞奧純淨水系統, RO MINI 家用式過濾系, RO 919 桌上型飲水機, RO 929 座地型飲水機, Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer 紫外光燈過濾器, Purelight UV Sterilizer 紫外光消毒殺菌棒等.

including a series of exclusive new & old world wines at affordable price, and also wide range of the world's premium fine wines at competitive price.
萬勤酒業 McCaine Wines

溢醇洋酒 H E Fine Wines Limited

As a young company with low overheads we are able to keep our costs to a reasonable level and provide very competitive pricing across our portfolio.
WWell Spring Wines

提供產品包括:泡茶, 康莉降尿酸茶, 康莉老姜桑葉茶, 康莉杭菊桑葉茶, 康莉羅漢果桑葉茶, 康莉桑寄生泡茶, 康莉養颜桑泡茶等.

提供產品包括: 果汁、紅酒, 康莉桑果汁,康莉桑紅酒 , 茶葉, 康莉玫瑰桑茶, 康莉桑蓮茶, 康莉茉莉桑茶等.

We offer a wide variety of wines with a broad price range, suitable for different wine lovers for different purposes.
VVitis Wine

offer our clients not only a wide selection of premium fine wine, but also very competitive prices.

本公司宗旨是:價錢大眾化 食品最新鮮 服務最貼心,本公司帶給各位愛吃之人, 以喜出望外是價錢
UU's Kitchen

We concentrate on having a small number of very good customers that we in return try to devote as much time and service to as is possible.
VVinspiration (Hong Kong)

You do not need to pay online!! Simply enter your contact information to have our staff contact you shortly to arrange delivery and payment.
VVins Spot Fine Wines Company

TTina Cellar

The Porterhouse was founded by a group of chefs and F&B professionals in Hong Kong looking for a higher level of quality that was not readily available in the local market.
TThe Porterhouse

本公司是為一家進口商,業務遍及香港和台灣市場,獨家代理產品包括:慕仙尼 陳年酒醋、亞加蒙帝蕃茄製品、奇里安諾黑松露、托里西咖啡和意大利葡萄酒。
TThe Green Olive Ltd

We have been steadily expanding our business to share our passion for wines with consumers and fulfill their needs for top quality wines at reasonable price.
SSava Wines Limited

S & D German Wines exclusively represents more than 15 German boutique wineries in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
SS D German Wines Ltd
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