As the sole distributor of the world’s leading photographic equipment and premium consumer products, Schmidt Marketing (HK) Ltd.
SSchmidt Marketing (HK) Ltd

我們為渴望“質量”的品酒客提供真正美酒。 我們透過品酒活動分享喜悅。
PPillariwine Co., Ltd

we provide jet-fresh seafood and meat, as well as a range of gourmet deli items and groceries from around the world.
PPacific Gourmet Online Limited

Some of them became the founders of important Hong Kong businesses, as familiar to us today as they were to our parent and grandparents.
OOmtis Fine Wines Spirits

Every wine we picked was chosen carefully to ensure it is offering very good value for money.
RRegis Wine

We are committed to providing excellent service to all our clients and building recognition and appreciation for the brands that we import.
LLiquid Assets Limited

We have offices in HongKong, Zhongshan, Shanghai ,Chengdu and we are expanding into Beijing and some major cities in China .
MMega Wine Company Limited

Our philosophy is to find the best wines at the most competitive prices, so we can deliver the savings back to you.
KKKClaretWine Cellar

本公司超過七成的美酒( 包括有紅酒、白酒、汽酒和香檳等等… )都是從法國直接入口,別的都是從其他國家進口,例如 : 澳洲、智利、紐西蘭和西班牙等等…
VVins Gallery

VVins Gallery

We are continually growing and expanding our prolific wine and gourmet food catalogue. With a focus on learning, we take care of our wines, of our staff, and above all our customer.
HHouse of Fine Wine

HHK386 Limited

HHK386 Limited

EEverwise Wine Limited

法國/智利 葡萄酒
LLiving Mart

LLeung Yick Company Ltd

Archeological excavations have uncovered many sites with sunken jars, so the effects of temperature on stored wine were probably known.
WWinepatio Limited

Ô Muse de Bordeaux ensures the best quality year after year, to offer to the consumer the result of a treasure hunter’s work from the first flower to the last glass.
奧妙波爾多酒窖 Ômuse de Bordeaux Wine Gallery

Our business is run on one simple principle: quality wines, sensibly priced and provided to you with the upmost care.
BBluetree Limited Hong Kong

You can find out about common red and white grape varieties that are used for wine, or you can browse some wine related photographs or check out links to other wine sites on the Internet.
AAbbelio Wines
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職責描述 *** 本公司正透過勞工處進行招聘,求職者請致電 3428 2307查詢/安排面試。 *** 詳細職務範圍 - 負責日常倉務運作及貨倉管理 - 收貨、出貨及驗貨 - 包裝貨物、盤點及整理貨倉 - 跟進訂單 - 更新庫存記錄 - 拍照存檔 - 資料輸入 每月工資: 港元14,020 (不包括超時工資) 每週工作日數: 6日 僱用期: 24個月 工作時間: 07:00 - 17:00 (用膳
香港孟加拉豹貓舍 HONGKONGSSBENGALS CATTERY* TICA CFA雙註冊貓舍*漁農處牌照 110365*引進自世界不同最頂級冠軍出血統*健康保障種貓均接受豹貓已知遺傳病檢查 努力培育獨特的小豹紋和野性頭版 乾淨的完美花紋顏色對比 歡迎WhatsApp了解預約69029206門市地址:SHOP NO. 66B, G/F., SHAUKIWAN CENTRE, NO.407 S
拾捌No.18一直致力於為顧客搜羅各類優質熱賣商品,款式種類齊全。隨著市場對網上購物需求日益增加,拾捌引進了更多生活百貨、食品、超市、日常護理、精品、美肌化妝等商品類別,涵蓋各地熱門品牌。今期首先推出Mr. & Mrs. Socks 和Netural-House兩大品牌。並努力以最優惠價格銷售商品,為顧客提供一站式全方位購物體驗。隨時隨地在拾捌網店及手機應用程序選購心儀商品,享受送貨服務
日本代購 日本代BID 日本代訂 日本限量產品 免運費 Yahoo代拍 mercari zozotown 預訂日本產品 預訂日本餐廳 代購單車零件 汽車零件 預訂日本演唱會 預訂日本球賽
本店酒右衛門 Sakaemon 是由青森國際貿易公司(Greenwoods International Trading Limited) 全權擁有, 專營日本酒類。 我們自設冷凍倉確保品質要求。 本店歡迎零售及批發。