Ascot Chang believed that clothing should complement the wearer's individual figure, lifestyle and tastes, while maintaining a standard of excellence.
AAscot Chang 詩閣

our tailors are Shanghai-trained (good workmanship),finest interfacings, linings and trimmings to assure superior construction and durability.
HH.K. Broadway Custom Tailor

We also have launched our own clothing lines for men "11after11" and is being sold in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Macau, Australia and the United States.

If you are looking for that perfect made to measure suit then it is vital that you find the right tailor
CCharms Tailor and Lord's Tailor

Including ALUMO, Switzerland, arguably the best shirting fabrics in the world. Moreover, Thomas Mason, Cotonificio Albini,...etc.
DDavid's Shirts Ltd.

men's - suit | shirt | trousers | vest | tuxedo | coat | back
TTak Tak Tailor

Vivamus tortor nisl, lobortis in, faucibus et, tempus at, dui. Nunc risus. Proin scelerisque augue. Nam ullamcorper. Phasellus id massa. Pellentesque nisl.

Our patrons range from Presidents, businessmen, professionals, politicians, artists, navy personnel to airline crews.

VVA Fashion

Jhde had go through the change of Hong Kong street style, from hip hop to urban outdoor style.
MMr. Tam

TTake 5 Jeans

In addition to visitng our store in Hong Kong, our Sales team also travels overseas regularly to visit our customers. For the latest travel itinerary, please visit Travel Itinerary.

Our unique approach to custom shirts is designed to suit the needs of modern, fashionable men.

We even offer image styling service to cater for each individual’s needs, from the initial measurement taking to the final finishing.
MMode Tuxedo

Our garments are created with a keen eye on fashion, always keeping the design fashionable yet pooling into the experience of our rich heritage.
RRaja Fashions

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We provide " Avant-Garde Pre-wedding photo-shooting which is very well received by our customers who are concerned on quality! We specialize on Okinawa , HK and Korea.
HHappiaMy Wedding

a premier manufacturing group specializing various woolen knitted apparel .

Through the site you not only receive information about touring schedules, product information and services, you can also place an order and make enquiries at the touch of a button.
MMaxwells Clothiers Ltd

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