Our products are widely used for battery-operated gifts & premiums, toys, watches, measuring equipment, medical devices, power tools, laptop computers and other battery-operated electronic components.
SSmart Zone Technology Limited


Gem lighting is an innovative and high manufacturer in decoration lights sector, having deep domain know and producing of quality illuminations and decorative lights production.
GGem Lighting

Based on in novafivc technology crudfprecise machines with Tratflf cm ‘rsmanship, Pro-Tooling has thousands of mould every year to premlum,toys crud Household Product industries.

HMC (HMC Enterprise Co. Ltd.) is a company that is specialized in manufacturing in the People's Republic of China for more than a decade.
HHarsan Manufacturing China Ltd.

我司所接觸模具範圍甚廣, 包括不同類型品種。如 音響設備、遊戲机、家電用品及電腦產品。

We are one of the leading manufacturers and exporters in Hong Kong of artificial polyester life-like plants, flower arrangement, greenery bushes. foliages, trees of real and artificial trunk.
CChun Hing Art Plant Holdings Co., Ltd.

Shun Yue Development Company is a Hong Kong based company with global connection for mobile phones import & export to & from worldwide.
SShun Yue Development Company


We have a team of professionals in sourcing, merchandising, marketing, advertising and printing. We welcome OEM projects for your gifts and premium products.
CColor Four Enterprise Ltd

We have been constantly introducing state of the art technology and advanced equipment, using 100 plastic injection machines from 40 tons to 700 tons.
MMS Enterprises Ltd.

PPromise Land

主營項目有:產品設計、塑膠工模設計、製作及注塑、上色和產品裝 配。有完善的電腦系統-輔助生產設備和一班有豐富經驗的工程設計及製造師, 產品工藝精湛。

A Zillion Industries Company is highly experienced in designing and manufacturing premium leather wares and bags

專門提供各類廣告禮品、企業禮品、商務禮品、紀念品、宣傳贈品、制服、風褸、T恤、Polo恤、USB及 品牌生產訂做服務

Deliver good quality and appealing products at competitive pricing and be supported with proactive customer service are our corporate mission and commitment to the customers.
AArt Regent Ltd

Wellmax Trading Ltd is worldwide exporter of general merchandise and toys. Our expertise encompasses over a decade of providing all levels of the importing industry with fast selling high profit items

Our product range includes Magnetic Holders, Magnetic Photo Frames, Plastic Hooks, Key Chains, Household Accessories, colourful plastic beads, Die-Cast bus & container truck, OEM projects are welcome.

"Able Acrylic", provides various kinds of stylish acrylic products such as display stands, racks and pedestals for mobile phone, cameras, glasses, watches, jewelry, menus......
AAble Concept (Asia) Ltd.

We provide one-stop service from product design, prototype making, mould design, mould construction, testing, debug, pilot run as well as injection and assembly.
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Jackson hui
Kelvin Zin International Group @ Manulife 一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的90後00後團隊。快來加入我們吧!
了凡商務 / 10PLAN
了凡「無人機」課程 「了凡」為學校量身打造的無人機課程,從基礎到進階,培養學生科技素養,開啟未來無限可能。
復康護理床一張,適合老人家或病人使用 8成新, 可收起摺埋乘w形狀, 有轆可自由鬱動,床架可插電升高升低 床尺寸,101 cm(W)x 211 cm (L) x 100 cm (H) 不連床褥,床褥需要另外購買, 原價一萬蚊,現在環保價$1000 PS: 整重大概120kg 請自備大隻佬搬運!
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