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  3. 物流及倉儲

威達國際貨運集團(香港)有限公司 - 提供 海陸空多式聯運 、貨代、倉儲等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-05-17 刊登者: Weida Frt


提供一系列優質服務 :海陸空多式聯運(對門,對點)、貨代、倉儲 (香港地區至福田保稅區)、快遞 、中港運輸、冷凍櫃配送、項目運輸、 拖拆還櫃 等服務


Weida Freight System (HK) Co.,Ltd as a professional international freight forwarder has been committed to promoting international integrated logistics and distribution services, in a dynamic and challenging transport and logistics industry in worldwide. Providing innovative solutions and management services, we successfully achieve our operational philosophy.
Services provided: Sea Land Air Intermodalism (to door or to the point), Freight Forwarding, Warehousing (Hong Kong and Futian Free Trade Zone), Express Delivery, Transport, Freezers Containerized Traffic, Transportation Projects, Unloading & Container Service of Containerized Traffic and other Logistics Services
By working closely with customers and attention to their needs, we successfully offer our customers instant and prompt response. Your cargo arrangement will safely deliver to destination.

聯絡人:Mr.Max Wong / 黃生
電話:852-3104 2512 / 852-9761 7665
傳真:852-3106 0005
電郵:[email protected]

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