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化妝、特技化妝、電影及廣告化妝、萬聖節化妝、舞台化妝、道具及服裝製作、特技化妝課程, Special Makeup, 化妝用品,Special Makeup Course, Stage Makeup

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Marcotomato Fx Studio

Your Professional Makeup Artist   你的專業化妝服務

Would like to have special features for events? Special Make up service is your choice. We tailor-made ​​special image and doing make-up at parties.Satisfying costumers' needs.
客人提供更多特別服務 ? 特技化妝服務是一個很好的選擇我們按主題提供造型計及服務,為客人度身訂造,乎合客人需要。

Flim: Resident  Evil 5 特技化妝 Film MIB3 Promnotion Event 特技化妝 Madame Tussaud's Hong Kong 2011 (The Peak ) Halloween 萬聖節化妝

PS3 Game Lollipop Chainsaw XBox 360 Game N3 Cosplay 特技化妝
We provide Special Make Up, Face/Body Painting, Temporary Tattoo, Henna, Cosplay, making props and costumes service for event, ceremony, party and film shooting.
Shopping Mall Event Advertisement Make Up 廣告化妝 PS3 Game God of War Cosplay 特技化妝 IT Green Soilder 道具及服裝製作
Marco Tomato & Remex Wu are full time make up artist, solid doing their make-up in different events in Hong Kong. Providing unique paintings and make up for customers.
Marco Tomato & Remex Wu是全職化妝師,亦是香港特技化妝師及面部彩繪師,為客人繪畫屬於他們獨一無異的化妝

Makeup, Special Makeup, Body and Face Paint Products for retails and wholesale. Custome for Special Prosthetic Products.

We serve cilents in Hong Kong, Mainland China & Macau. We help finding talents for your spceial chracters. Provide Fx prosthetics order. Tailor-made ​your ​special image.

You may see more details of special make up and props making here:
http://www.wix.com/marcotomato/fxstudio   Special Make up Artist Interview 特技化妝師訪問

Facebook Page: Marcotomato Fx Studio

We also provide workshop  for special make up& face painting.
Please feel free to contact us ! 
Marcotomato FX Studio Company Limited
Email : [email protected]
Tele 電話: 5404 6462 (胡小姐)
Address: Room L, 24/F Golden Dragon Industrial Centre, Block 4 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung
地址: 香港新界葵芳大連排道金龍工業中心4期24樓L室

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性