华南地区大型国际展 16-19/7.2007 广州国际会议展览中心 第十四届华南国际机械及模具展 主办单位: 讯通展览公司 承办单位:上海新讯通展览公司 Tel: 021-63045419-277(分机) 冯毅先生 13761491146 Fax: 021-6418113 市场消息 : 华南市场经济蓬勃,华南机械展再创高峰 ,随着经济开放,华南地区一带工业发展迅 速,相应对工业生产的设备和模具需

Events Latham & Watkins has a robust seminar and events program focused on educating executives, general counsel and friends of the firm on cutting-edge legal, business and financing issues. Lath
LLatham & Watkins

幸運方程式講座 一個能令你改變一生的機會 - 幸運方程式講座詳情 * 勤力是否一定成功? * 中了六合彩就是否一定成為有錢人? * 你有否想過有多少錢才可以退休? * 運氣是否不能掌握? 龍師傅將於五月底舉辦"幸運方程式"講座,透過半天的討論來令你對人生有一個全新的看法,從而應用到日常生活及工作上,幫助你走向積極人生,改變運氣。 幸運方程式精采課程內容 -提升機運 -相信直覺 -控制好運 -扭轉
HHong Kong Fortune World

Departing employees - how to protect your business Date: 2007年6月11日 Venue: BLG Offices Description: This seminar forms part of our London Market Seminar Spring/Summer Schedule and is open to everyone
BBarlow Lyde & Gilbert

Property insurance - managing subrogated recoveries Date: 2007年6月5日 Venue: BLG Offices Description: This seminar forms part of our London Market Seminar Spring/Summer Schedule and is open to everyone
BBarlow Lyde & Gilbert

Reinsurance - recent legal developments Date: 2007年5月24日 Venue: BLG Offices Description: This seminar forms part of our London Market Seminar Spring/Summer Schedule and is open to everyone employed i
BBarlow Lyde & Gilbert

Aviation insurance and liability - a comparative view of the UK and Germany Date: 2007年5月23日 Venue: BLG Offices Description: This seminar forms part of our London Market Seminar Spring/Summer Schedul
BBarlow Lyde & Gilbert

It is our mission to educate people on the best ways to maximise investment performance when acquiring your Australian Property, whilst at the same time minimizing and tax implications and obtaining

The Aussie Tax Break, Use It or Lose It for British Nationals If you are British and plan one day to live in Australia you won’t want to miss this opportunity! All future residents of Australia have
IIPAC Financial Planning HK Ltd

Discovery Evening ipapc warmly invites you toattend one of our Discovery Evening sessions. These are an informal get together, providing you with an arena whereyou canfind out whatto expect and look
IIPAC Financial Planning HK Ltd

1. Attend our Use It or Lose It seminar Date Time Venue 4 May, Friday 8.15am - 9.30am ipac boardroom, 22nd Floor, One Pacific Place, Admiralty 8 May, Tuesday 12.45pm - 2.00pm ipac boardroom, 22nd Flo
IIPAC Financial Planning HK Ltd

本 公司為一間全面及現代化的娛樂製作公司,我們除了可提供數十餘項藝術表演(包括傳統民間手工藝、民間小食、創意工作坊及攤 位遊戲..等等),更擁有龐大及專業的人材,提供最優質的服務。 本公司可為各公司 / 客戶冊劃嘉年華會、同樂日、開幕典禮、婚禮、生日會、週年晚會、春茗、樓盤促銷、商場推廣…等等各類型表演節目。更可安排職員親臨場地,負責場地安排﹑活動策劃等事宜。我們曾為無數大小公司、機構、學校、政
好友創意娛樂製作公司Good Friend Creative

十 大 傑 出 青 年 選 舉 簡 介 「十大傑出青年選舉」是國際青年商會 (即前身為香港青年商會) 在1970年創辦,至今已選出傑出青年共259人。今年的「十大傑出青年選舉」已經是第 34 屆。 本選舉之目的為: 表揚在工作上有卓越表現及對社會作出貢獻之青年; 鼓勵青年積極參與社會服務,從而為改進社會擔當更重要的責任; 激勵青年於個人事業及公眾服務方面銳意進取。 The Ten Outstan
JJunior Chamber International HK

Hong Kong isone of the most activefinancial servicing city around the world. We have an organized banking and finance systems. However, most of thejob huntersare focusing on banking industry, and dis
PProwess Recruitment Consulting Ltd

Event Title: Staff Incentives Date: Wednesday 11 April 2007 Time: 9am-10am Location: Pacific Coffee, 1/F Pak Fook Building, 208-212 Queen's Road East, Wanchai (Opposite Hopewell Centre) Speaker: Memb

Event Title: Public Relations Date: Wednesday 28 March 2007 Time: 9am-10am Location: Pacific Coffee, Pak Fook Building (1st floor) 208-212 Queen's Road East,Wanchai (Opposite Hopewell Centre) Speaker

Breakfast with Colin Lewis: Use it or lose it ACT NOW to take advantage of the Australian Government's one-off opportunity to transfer up to AUD1m per person into super before July 1st this year; an
IIPAC Financial Planning HK Ltd

Lunch with Colin Lewis: Use it or lose it ACT NOW to take advantage of the Australian Government's one-off opportunity to transfer up to AUD1m per person into super before July 1st this year; an oppo
IIPAC Financial Planning HK Ltd

Use it or lose it at the Regal Airport Hotel ACT NOW to take advantage of the Australian Government's one-off opportunity to transfer up to AUD1m per person into super before July 1st this year; an o
IIPAC Financial Planning HK Ltd
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