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傲馬司機 | 司機招聘 | 租車服務 | 展覽司機

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Optimum Driver

傲馬司機招聘及租車服務有限公司,惟香港勞工處核下領有職業介紹所牌照的專業司機招聘及派遣顧問服務中心,並遵守《僱傭條例》及《職業介紹所規例》的規定提供專業司機招聘及中介服務。 傲馬的服務主要分為兩類: 司機招聘及中介服務、租車服務,務求以多元化及一站式為客戶度身訂造不同類型的服務。

Optimum Driver & Car Rental Services Ltd is one of the authorized company by Labour Department with the licenses for the professional driver recruitment and as consultancy service dispatch center, comply with “Employment Ordinance” and “Employment Agency Regulations” to offer the professional driver recruitment and intermediary service. We provide various kinds of services, specialize in “Driver Recruitment” and “Car Rental”. We aimed to provide the diversity and one-stop customized services to cope with the needs of our valuable clients.



1. 長期司機招聘
2. 合約聘用
3. 外派司機派遣
4. 機場、本地及中港專業豪華房車接送
5. 包車連司機合約

Our services including 

1. Permanent Driver recruitment
2. Contract recruitment
3. Outsourcing services 
4. Airport, Local & HK & China Border Limousine Services 
5. Contract Limonusine Services 


聯絡電話 : (852) 3468-3499
傳真號碼 : (852) 3007-4345
電郵 : [email protected]
網址 : www.optimum-driver.com

Contact Details:
Telephone : (852) 3468-3499
Fax : (852) 3007-4345
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.optimum-driver.com

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性