We are located in key Asian cities and our teams are organized into vertical industry units with a focus on key functions to serve human capital needs in each sector.
PPeople Search

We specialise in servicing all levels of employment on a permanent and temporary basis.
BBravo Personnel Consultancy Ltd.

Profile Search & Selection is an award winning, Asia-focused executive search and selection firm that specialises in mid to senior level assignments across Financial Services
PProfile Search

We listen closely to our client's needs, making sure we understand the need clearly so that we best meet that need as efficiently as possible.
PProsavvy Services Company

T & C Personnel Consultants Limited is one of the most reputable and well-established employment agencies in Hong Kong.
TT & C

e-Master is organized by a team of professional human resources consultants striving for first class consultancy services to our clients.
EEmaster Consultants Ltd

CORESEARCH has been providing professional recruitment, training, consultancy and career counseling services to our prestigious clients throughout Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and other Asian countries.

We HKIC Human Resources Services, established in 1990, providing professional recruitment service for many reputable enterprises.

This was followed up by Top Executive in 1993. In the years since, the Group has evolved significantly, having partnered with various international recruitment groups and government agencies.

Asian Enterprise Personnel Agency also known as (AE Personnel) is a reputable executive search and recruitment agency dedicated to serve the public in the field of recruitment.
AAsian Enterprise Personnel Agency

Top Match was established in early 2000 and is one of the leading professional recruitment services company in Hong Kong.
TTop Match Professional Consultant Limited

aimHigher Consultancy Limited delivers professional recruitment and executive search solutions to clients.
aaimHigher Consultancy Limited

SuperSearch International Ltd. is one of the most reputable head hunting firms in Asia for recruiting BANKING and FINANCE specialists.
SSuperSearch International Ltd.

Since our inception in 1989 Hong Kong Executive Search Limited has been enjoying a reputation of providing quality service in the area of executive search for our clients.

Kelly Selection, a division of Kelly Services, offers a comprehensive array of executive search, permanent placement and professional contracting services in Hong Kong.
KKelly Services Hong Kong Limited

Our Human Resources Consultants are professionals from Human Resources Management, Banking, Insurance, Finance and Accounting.
CCharteron Human Resources Ltd

Smartech Consultant Center is a reputable technical recruitment agency that provides high quality human capital solution to our clients throughout Hong Kong and Mainland China.
SSmartech Consultants Center

Aacurapid is a renowned Executive Search Firm & Talent Investigator serving Multinational Companies in Hong Kong and New York City since 1998.

Without exception our competitors of comparable size are subdivisions of generic recruitment firms active simultaneously within wide ranging markets such as secretarial, commercial and IT.
DDarwin Rhodes

Pacific Career is a professional recruitment company established its operation in Beijing in 2003 with a team of dedicated and experienced consultants who have good industry network and connections.
PPacific Career Ltd.
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