1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 會計及稅務


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-03-07 刊登者: crystalskchan

Accounting service


-          Every business in Hong Kong is required by law to keep propert accounting books and records. Proper accounting record is of extremely important for maangement to monitor and review the financial and operational performance as well as the future development strategy setting of the business.
所有在香港註冊營業的公司均需要妥善保存公司的會計帳目及確保所有會計紀錄準確無誤,以及編制財務報表和管理帳。 透過該紀錄會協助監管及評估公司之營運狀況,為公司訂立未來的營商策略。

-          You may find it difficult to hire a capable and reliable full-time accountant, or would like to outsource the accounting function to an independent professional for cost-and-benefit reason and quality assurance. For whatever reasons, our firm can provide the accounting services to your company on a monthly quarterly or annual basis.

最新消息: 由即日起於Facebook專頁上首次留言或首次惠顧本公司之服務,即可獲得$500元現金券。留言後您只需把姓名,公司名,地址,電話資料以訊息傳送給專頁管理員,禮券將會以郵寄方式送上。如有問題,可以在Facebook專頁留言或致電2377 4333查詢。

Other Services:



Taxation, Accounting service, Virtual Office service, Incorporate new company, Company secretarial service, Company doctor, etc

稅務服務,會計服務, 虛擬辦公室, 成立有限公司, 公司秘書服務, 公司醫生等


陳詩琪會計事務所(香港)有限公司Crystal Chan & Co. Ltd.
Tel: 2377 4333

e-mail: [email protected]
website: http://www.crystalchan.com.hk
address: 九龍旺角廣東道982號嘉富商業中心25樓02室
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/crystalchan.and.co.ltd

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