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Servcorp 國際商務中心/虛擬辦公室 (國際金融中心二期)(查詢:852-22511688)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-01-12 刊登者: Servcorp 國際商務中心
以最低成本配以各項電腦化的配套,無須借用辦公室,使您可以瞬間地開拓業務,增加成本效益,是Servcorp虛擬辦公室的服務宗旨。北京、上海、成都、 香港雲集無數甲級寫字樓,濃厚的國際化商業氛圍和完善的配套設施吸引著世界各地的知名企業進駐,也成為來中國投資發展的外資企業選址的首選之地。

對 於國內的中小型企業,和回國創業發展的海歸派,在發展初期要擁有頂尖寫字樓的辦公環境對於大部分人來說真的是望而卻步。這些甲級寫字樓的租賃最小面積一般 也要在100平方米,租期為2-3年,預算的成本實在太高!Servcorp考慮到這一因素,專門設計了虛擬辦公室,這一商業一體化的服務配套方案幫助中 小型企業達到願望!現凡申請虛擬辦公室服務配套即可享有首兩月月費半價!
立即登入 http://www.servcorp.com.hk瀏覽, 或 按此預約參觀我們的辦公室.

A Servcorp Hong Kong Serviced Office lets you utilise a support team and IT infrastructure that a multinational firm might envy, as you carry out business from a top CBD address. Better still, you make savings on the costs and financial commitment. Servcorp clients are backed by dedicated reception staff, professional meeting rooms and expert secretarial support billed flexibly month by month. You can conveniently use our international network with its venues around the world, all of which meet Servcorp's demanding standards while presenting a suitable local image.

Take a Servcorp Hong Kong Virtual Office and take advantage of Servcorp's full range of corporate services without being tied to physical facilities. You get every option needed for truly professional and effective business operations, without the burden of high overheads. The cost-effective Platinum package is a full-featured business solution, while our individual packages address specific needs. The unique Servcorp Online - Hottdesk® facility gives permanent online access to services such as telephone answering, meeting room bookings and an address in a major business centre. Register online, with no set up cost or security deposit, and be in action immediately.

Come visit us at http://www.servcorp.com.hk, or click here to book the office tour from us.
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性