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舒特膚潤膚沐浴乳   Cetaphil Restoraderm Bodywash

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-12-28 刊登者: JOYs!

舒特膚潤膚沐浴乳   Cetaphil Restoraderm Bodywash

大量現貨, 原裝美國進口 ( Direct from USA ), 296 ml

(另有 舒特膚潤膚露  Cetaphil Restoraderm Moisturizer 出售)

* 專為濕疹皮膚而設
* 獲美國國家濕疹協會認可
* 不含香料
* 臨床證實不刺激皮膚,潔淨同時保濕,特別適合皮炎及濕疹人士
* 溫和潔淨及舒緩痕癢及乾燥皮膚
* 容易沖洗,用後肌膚柔軟潤滑
* 含天然保濕成分  
* 3 個月以上嬰兒可以使用

* Formulated for Eczema 
* Accepted by the National Eczema Association (US) 
* Fragrance free
* Creamy wash clinically proven to provide non-irritating and moisture-enhancing cleansing for those with atopic dermatitis and eczema
* Gently clenses while soothing itchy, dry skin
* Rinses easily, leaving soft, smooth skin
* Contains natural moisturizing ingredients
* Safe for babies (as young as 3 months) 

港鐵站沿線現金交收  (Trade along Hong Kong MTR stations, cash only)

查詢 Enquiries:  [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性