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  3. 僱傭中心

印傭和菲傭介紹服務 Indonesian domestic helpers and Philippine domestic helpers

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-04-18 刊登者: chenwen

愛家僱傭有限公司領有香港職業介紹所牌照,並分別領有印尼駐港領事館和菲律賓駐港領事館所發給的『經營許可證明』,能合法地從印尼和菲律賓輸入家庭傭工,令僱主得到更佳的保障。我們在港經營僱傭中介服務已多年,故能專業地為香港僱主提供印傭和菲傭介紹服務。Peony Employment Agency Ltd. have obtained the license of employment agency in Hong Kong, and the Business Accreditation Certificates both from Indonesia Consulate and Philippines Consulate in Hong Kong. We can lawfully import the domestic helpers from Indonesia and Philippines, and better protect the employer. We have engaged in the employment agency service in Hong Kong for many years, and thus can professionally recommend Hong Kong’s employers with Indonesian helpers and Philippine helpers.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性