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Les Danseurs Dance Academy ( 陳綺婷舞蹈學院) 兒童及青年國際舞蹈考試/ 暑期課程

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-06-18 刊登者: Les Danseurs Dance Academy

Les Danseurs Dance Academy( 陳綺婷舞蹈學院 ), 其兒 童及青年國際考試部門 Les Jeunesse, 著重舞蹈藝術層 面上之教育,同時推薦及安排學生參與海外專業考試, 輔助學生之學習。透過國際專業機構設計之課程,學習更安 全有效,成果可得到國際認可。 成為21世紀的舞者,我們致力培育下一代全能舞者。本 學院課程特別之處, 在於學生能選讀主修及副修舞種, 讓 學習更全面,專業,有趣 。迎合新世代活躍,有創意的和多 元化的學習, 同時著重有紀律之傳統技巧訓練。 

Les Danseurs Dance Academy, it’s children international dance exam department “ Les Jeunesse” , promote dance as an art form. To assist and to certified training , however, we introduce international organized dance programme, so that learning is more professional and safe. 

To become a 21st century dancer, we nurture the next generation all-rounded dance kids. Student study at the academy is able to choose their major and minor subjects. Thus learning is comprehensive, professional and fun. Suitable for the new generation active, creative and all rounded learning, at the same time promote discipline and traditional technique training.


[email protected]

tel : 3904-3335

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