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柱侯醬燒骨伴菜飯Spareribs with Chee Hou Sauce & Vegetable Rice

材料 :腩排骨6條 (約8厘米長)。
Ingredients :6 pieces of Spareribs (About 8cm long).
醃料 :柱侯醬1湯匙、鹽1/2茶匙、糖1/2茶匙、生抽1湯匙、粟粉1/2湯匙、水1湯匙。
Sauce :1tbsp Chee-Hou sauce (a.k.a Chu-Hou Paste), 1/2 tsp Salt, 1/2 tsp Sugar, 1tbsp Light Soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp Cornstarch, 1 tbsp Water.

伴食 :白菜100克、薑1片、白飯2碗

Accompaniment :100g White cabbage, 1slice Ginger, 2bowls Cooked rice.

做法 Steps:

1. 把腩排醃30分鐘; Marinate the spareribs for 30 minutes;

2. 預熱煤氣焗爐至攝氏180度,焗架上排上腩排,焗約45至60分鐘; Pre-heat the gas oven to 180。, and arrange the ribs on the rack and bake for 45-60 minutes;

3. 預備菜飯: 剁碎白菜;鑊內燒2湯匙油,加入白菜及薑片,快手炒至軟身;棄掉薑片,然後加入白飯炒透,再以少許鹽調味; Prepare vegetable rice: Chop the white cabbage; Heat 2 Tbsp of oil in wok, add cabbage and ginger and then quickly stir-fry until soft. Discard the ginger slices and add rice to stir-fry well. Finally add a little salt to season;

4. 把腩排上碟,伴以菜飯。 Arrange the spareribs accompanied by vegetable rice on plate.

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菜譜(主菜)一覽 ~ 越式咖哩椰汁雞
