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Research Proposal writing/ Assignment Editing/ Freelance writing/ Resume writing service

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Jackie Fung (Mrs.)

HKU MPhil and Bachelor graduate, with a third master-level degree majored in Management. With 5-year (experience in business and science) research. Specialized in Quality Management/ environmental management/ operation management. Experienced marker for "Essay type" assignment in undergraduate level and taught master level.

I am providing the following writing services:

1. Research proposal (for application of postgraduate program or assignment) TAT: 3 to 5 days
2. Assignment editing (undergraduate level, major disciplines: Science/ Management) TAT: 2 days
3. Cover letter / Resume editing service (providing template and suggestion, you may not provide any your personal information) TAT: 1 day

For quotation or more information, please send me an email ([email protected]) and I will reply to you ASAP    
Note: I encourage students submit a draft for me to comment (free of charge), I will provide further suggestions and comments on assignment editing.


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