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  3. 音樂課程 - 學琴

鋼琴導師教琴20年教琴經驗-Miss Chu 擁有英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院: 高級演奏文憑(LTCL),英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院: 演奏文憑,英國皇家音樂學院: 八級鋼琴,英國皇家音樂學院: 八級樂理

Information expired, validity is not guaranteed Last Updated: 2019-07-27 刊登者: Emily Chu
      human hair color,girl,hairstyle,product,textile
    Milan Milan   public space,recreation,tree,child,product
    港  1至 十八區音樂大賽! 1st Hong Kong Music Competition For 18 Districts  product,
    SCHIM MEL Honu Kong Schools Mussc Festival TOM LEE MUSIC AWARD Grade Two Piano Solo FIRST 2018 NG SCHOOLS SIC FESTIVAL 學校音樂節   child,girl,product,
    Kids SCHIM MEL esary  2nd Runner-up  product,girl,
    Tural Time! 儲..r.il. rt] [tonts Kont: SCHCG LS、IL SJc  la  girl,product,child,smile,

Miss Emily Chu


 .英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院: 高級演奏文憑

    (LTCL with Distinction)

 .英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院: 演奏文憑(ATCL)

 .英國皇家音樂學院: 八級鋼琴

 .英國皇家音樂學院: 八級樂理

 .浸會大學 ----- 幼兒音樂教育証書
















如有任何查詢,歡迎致電:  96488227 (朱老師)


2018鋼琴公開比賽 (全場總冠軍)​
Milan Milan,recreation,tree,child,
Ri SCHIMMEL っ Hoog Kong Schoola Muic Foa TOM LEE MUSIC AWARD Grade Two Pano Solo FIRST KONG SCHOOLS O IC FESTIVAL,child,education,girl,
aural Time! 7OTH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第七十屆香港學校音樂節 262-283/2018 by Hong Kong Schools Masic and Spoech Anncoilaticn Class項目 Asagred Order出場序: 27 Member會員: 002751 Graded Piano Solo Compettor Shi Ying Jie 賽者,girl,child,smile,product,fun
SCHIM MEL Kids,product,

2018全港十八區音樂大賽 (冠軍及銀獎)

藝進盃 全港十八區音樂人賽 1st Hong Kong Music Competition For 18 Districts,standing,product,

social group,community,youth, social group,youth,community,

people,social group,youth,community,family social group,fun,friendship,family,product

musician,pianist,music,performance,singer musician,music,performance,sitting,entertainment 







Chopin-Fantasie Impromptu

莫扎特 - 土耳其進行曲





2016 香港亞太青少年鋼琴比賽 2016 Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Youth Piano Competition 主辦機構-香港音樂發展中心 Organizer Hong Kong Music Development Centre 組別編號Group Number 22 組別Group蕭邦作品組Chopin 參賽者competitor甘智安KAM CHI ON 出場次序Competition Order 4 分數 ST Score 名次 2 Place 評語comment aced sen sect shtic (phrase, char aeters rytinn, enetity varieus, dyn ) Iry to move your tout more sett、rlan you toe hedal, haunic plan ry no lose ,no h rieht hend lbnoles nore clear cudoh wrohp notes 判簽署Signature of Jury 本會將會依據評判的專業評語及評分作為比賽結果的依據,參賽者不得有異議 評語將使用中文或英文,並由評判決定,本會將派發分紙正本,並不會留底,故有遺失,本會恕不負責 奬狀將會約於五月最後一個星期郵寄到報名表所填寫的香港住址 其他規則請以比賽網頁www.hkasiapiano.com為依據 2016 © Copyright 香港音樂發展中心為版權持有者,text,document,paper,font,line
Graded music exam ci face war ade 19 and clou dere heve 1 125 Total 13o ths b fiano exan. This on sunnun Pasal 1501100- an exceller mance larm oconts the result of an exam held on 19 April 2013 funner code A 4 2,text,newspaper,font,handwriting,document Graded music exam ABRSM 2014 m N88,text,handwriting,document,paper,font 19112 Total 13 Maximum IPass records the result of an exam held on 08 Apr 12014 Examiner code N275,text,handwriting,music,material,document
ABRSM The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that TU was examined and passed GRADE8MUSIC THEORY Presented for examination by CHU Leslie East Chief Executive,text,font,document, Graded music exam ABRSM 85 136,text,handwriting,document,paper,material ABRSMM Graded music exam っ8 Tetal 127 orm records the re-of-exam held- nocr201L-EunrercodeA348 -,text,handwriting,document,material,font




ASSOCIATED BOARD THEORY EXAMINATION- FEBRUARY 2006 樂理考試 R PAPER 2006 GRADE 第五級積分表 NAME OF CANDIDATE: CANDIDATE NO.: 50018 MARK AWARDED 所得分數 12 QUESTION I. Adding time signatures, rewriting notes in C clef, naming ornament, indicating part of chromatic scale and writing enharmonic equivalent as breve 加拍子記號:用中音譜號重寫音符,寫出裝飾音名稱,指出部份半音音階,及用 倍全音符寫出同育異名等音(15 marks) 2. Rewriting passage for SATB from open to short score 3.(a) Terms, sign and describing chords itili , Eat及描述和弦(10 marks) 3(b) Desenbing harmonic intervals and naming keys描述和聲音程及寫出調名 用縮編譜重寫開列總18四部合唱樂段(10 marks) 10 (10 marks) 用次中音譜號重寫 弦及器樂問題(10 marks) 10 4. Adding sharps or flats to make given scale and writing scale according to named key signature 根據指定音階加上升號或降號及根據指定調號,寫出音階 (10 marks) 10 5. Transposing passage for hon in F from written to concert (sounding) pitch 把用記譜音高寫的F調圓號,法國號樂段,用演奏音高,音樂會音高(樂音) ,重新編寫 (10 marks) Writing melody for flute or violin or to given words 爲長笛或小提琴,或字詞創作旋律(15 marks) 6. Indicating suitable progressions for two cadences by writing chord names or any other recognized symbol, or by writing notes on the stave 用和弦名稱或和弦記號 或将音符寫在五線譜上,爲兩儡終it式 寫出合適的和弦進行(10 marks) 10 7. TOTAL總分 90 otal required to Pass 66 66分合格 o pass with Merit o pass with Distinction 90 90 8080分優良 / A = Not answered沒有作答,text,document,font,material, RY EXAMS ( FEBRUARY 2015 1 ORADE 5 考試( 2015年2月,第五級 RPAPER 2015 ABRSM APPLICANT NO 0029 NAME OF CANDIDATE CANDIDATE NO 50048 15 Adding bar tines, describing melodic intervals and describing chords 加小節線,描述旋律音程及和弦 1. 10 10 Rewriting passage for SATB from short to open score 用開列teist重寫以縮編譜寫成的四聲部合唱選段 2. 10 3.lal Indicati ing note not in named key and chord. general question and naming 標示不屬於指定調 音符及標示和弦,常識問題,及寫裝55音名稱 10 3.lbl Terms and rewriting chord using tenor C clef 音樂詞彙,及用次中音譜號重寫和弦 10 Writing enharmonic equivalent as breve and instrumental questions 用倍全音符重寫異符同音,及與樂器相關 3.lcl 問題 10 10 Writing scale beginning on given note and writing chromatic scale beginning on given note 根據指定音符續寫音階,及續寫半音音階 4. 10 Transposing passage for cor anglais from concert Isoundingl to written pitch 將英國管選段移調,以記譜音高方式重寫旋律 10 5. 15 Writing melody for bassoon or cello or to given words 為巴松管或大提琴寫作旋律或為字詞譜曲 6. Indicating suitable progressions for two cadences by writing chord names or10 any other recognised symbol, or by writing notes on the stave 以和弦名稱或其他認可記號,為兩個終止式配適當的和聲 10 7. Pass及格 Merit良好 Distinction優異 N/A-Not answered未答 80 TOTAL 總分 100 90 90 The Associated Board of the Rayal Schools ot Musis. A company tegistered with limited liabluity in England and Wates No. 1926395 Chunily registered in England &iaies 1292182& Scotland Isc0433431 Registered oftice. 24 Partland Pace, London we 1LU Telephone+10120 7636 5400 Email stbrsmpabrsm.ac.uk www.abesm.arg,text,font,material,document,


Hong Kong Youth & Children Piano Competition

presented by Liu Shih Kun Piano&Arts Centre e て,10ng Isang训th&Childrenpiano Competition 致am Spade Three Liu Shih Kun President of Hong kong Youth& Children Pliano Competition Organitzing Committee 9t July 2004 SWAYDER,text,font,diploma,academic certificate


2015 香港亞太青少年鋼琴比賽 2015 Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Youth Piano Competition 10 14t Group Number 9 tti禤ㄤ序Competition Order 者Competitor LEONG HO MAN 評判簽署Signature of Jury nostf!於五月最後一個星期 yIN名tere填寫 香港住 其他双测請以1tRMA mewhkasiapiano.com ho 2015 Copyright 香港胅熊中心Mitt持,text,font,document,paper, 67TH HONO KONO, SCHOOLS MUSIC FEaTVAL 比音m節 U100 Assigned Ondor ey 26 Monter 002179 Compettor Mt Keth Beniston Adjudicator Reanse Nnber: 3001794,text,document,paper,font,material atic dwelopnat secbor needel even more dana Miss Melanie Spanswick Adjudicator The adjudicator eserves G copight of the comments made above conoeming the perfornance of the competiton CertiScates will be available Sor collection by members of the Association from May so Jaly in 2013 Members are respoesibile Sor distributing the coriicades to their sadets 獎tt須03會會勛12013年5月至7月忌twn ,融會員發予參賽學生 Relamoe Saber 17208,text,handwriting,font,writing,document
亞太區青少年比賽第4名 校際音樂節1級組別第3名 校際音樂節8級(第三名)


TRINITY Examination Report COLLEGE LONDON This is not a certificate o unit 1-Piano Recital ATCL Centre: Hong Kong Music Centre (286) Candidate ID: 1-634636531 in the Bach Suite No 5 in G, BWV816 demonstrated tonal warmth and feel for ance and trills were mostly stylish. Not all the musical breadth was fully exploited in the the d Couran stumbles. Ther an te, but articulation was clean, if the over sprightly mood led to co-ordination e was much agility in the fingering however and the Sarabande had elegance d sensitivity with warm tone. There was a clear rise and fall of phrasing and ornaments n attractively shaped left hand line. The Gavotte and Bourree were were placed well with a light in touc h and conveyed the lively manner well despite a brief hesitation in the Gav ouch had flexibility in the Loure and the gentle lilting mood was clear. Phrasing demonstrated sensitivity of tone. The rhythmic drive of the Gig some assured playing. There were some slips present and a slight tendency to rush, but the character was vivacious with every intent to convey the music. Overall there was a clear sense of the Baroque architecture The Allegro molto e con brio of Beethoven Sonata Opus 10, No 1 opened energetically and caught the dotted rhythmic character with a sense of the drama. Dynamics and mood were effectively contrasted and phrases had direction, but there were some co-ordination tumbles in places. The intensity of the music was highly considered and passage work was ue was highly evident with amboyant with strong chords to finish. The Adagio molto was sensitive in dynamic shaping and despite fleeting blemishes in the faster figurations of the embellished line, florid figurations were highly effective. Tone had flexibility and the playing had warmth of integrity Pedaling was well-judged and articulation had clarity. The Finale exploited the pauses and wit and playing was mostly poised with a confident sense of the idiom. Occasional details were missed and rhythms were occasionally less tight, but articulation and,text,font,newspaper,document,paperTRINITY Examination Report ATCL Recitl (Planet, Unit 1 - Piano Recital ATCL Centre: Hong Kong Music Centre (286) Candidate name: KAM CHI ON tomas,text,handwriting,document,font,paper





聯絡電話: 96488227


鋼琴導師: Miss Emily Chu (朱老師)


上課地區: 港島區(可上門授課)








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