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hkmandarintutor.com 香港普通話老師網 免費介紹普通話導師/HK Mandarin Tutor Agency refers Chinese and Cantonese tutor

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-10-17 刊登者: hkmandarintutor.com


hkmandarintutor.com 香港普通話老師網 免費介紹普通話導師/HK Mandarin Tutor Agency refers Chinese and Cantonese tutor 






由於我們教了多年普通話,這些年認識了很多行內的普通話老師, 小部份已在這網站註冊, 但大多數暫時都只線下和我們保持聯絡。龐大的普通話老師團隊 讓我們做配對時事半功倍,確保學員能找到一個適合的,時間充裕的,家住附近的普通話老師 提供可靠穏定的普通話補習服務


我們的多元及紮實的普通話教學經歷, 讓我們明白到, 不同學習風格的學員, 不同程度的學員, 不同學習目標的學員, 在選擇普通話老師時, 都應該有不同的考慮及期盼。

我們深信我們在為學員提供中介服務時, 不只是單純的交換一個聯繫方式, 還應該思考 "這樣的學員, 適合怎樣的普通話老師"這問題。

我們會努力的把好關,希望大家都能找到一個適合的普通話老師, 並因此愛上普通話,愛上中國文化,愛上國家。下列是我們其中一個創辦人的普通話基準試成績單, 以及香港浸大學頒發的普通話教師證書課程文憑, 以證我們不是信口開河。


Why Choose Us?

We have worked as Mandarin teachers in HK for long so we are well connected with a vast network of local Mandarin tutors and Chinese teachers. Few of them have registered online and more are yet to register online. Because of our huge network, we can effectively match you with a suitable and stable Mandarin teacher who have a flexible schedule and live close to you.

We have worked in kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and learning centers. We deeply understand the key points and difficulties of learning Mandarin and Chinese for expat learners.

We understand when we are trying to search a Mandarin tutor for our expat learners, we must take into 3 considerations, namely the learning styles of learners, the Mandarin proficiency of learners and the learning objectives of learners.

We understand our agency service is not simply exchanging contact information of learners and teachers. We always bear in mind “ What type of Mandarin teacher fits this type of expat learner?”

We will try our best to find you a qualified and passionate Chinese teacher. We hope you can learn to love Chinese language, Chinese culture and our country. Below are 2 certificates which showcase our Mandarin teaching qualifications. 

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