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Flyboard - 全新的水上運動,flyboard 熱潮席捲歐美各地,適合喜歡水上活動朋友!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-09-09 刊登者: MingKee




Jet Ski champion Franky Zapata of ZAPATA RACING used only a year to develop the FLYBOARD. Through continuous research and improvement, in January this year officially launched in Europe Flyboard, stunning the world.



世界著名滑水冠軍 Franky Zapata,運用本身對滑水的認識與熱愛,運用短短一年時間,發明出 flyboard ----- 這項全新的水上運動,讓人類不但可以有如海豚一般於水中暢泳,更能像飛鳥於空中飛行!就像電影中凡鐵甲奇俠一樣,在水上飛再也不是電腦特技,而是一項你和我都可以參與的運動!Franky Zapata 經過不斷的研究和改良,在今年一月於歐洲正式推出 Flyboard,瞬間驚艷全球,flyboard 熱潮席捲歐美各地,而 flyboard 亦於今年8月正式登陸香港!



The Flyboard® is a watersports apparatus which allows propulsion underwater and in the air, it could be compared to a powered wakeboard. The Flyboard® comes complete with the Electronic Management Kit which allows operation of the PWC throttle, kill switch and starter from the Flyboard®. This method allows for better flight precision and its intuitive use provides the Flyboard® Operator exceptional sensations. The Flyboard® is a machine which allows propulsion underwater and in the air.




As explained previously the Flyboard® is very intuitive: similar to learning to ride a bike, waterski, surfing, skating or any other activity that requires a little balance. Between 5 to 20 minutes are needed to learn the basics of the Flyboard® with an instructor. It takes about 3 hours of training to master the maneuvers and understand the operation of the Flyboard®. Find your balance and you will be flying like a bird or swimming through the water like a dolphin!

Flyboard® 是非常容易學習的水上活動,適合不同人士參與,最高能帶您飛上高空達 29.5尺,潛水深度為 8尺,一般初學者學習 5 到 20 分鐘便能以「海豚式」暢游,掌握如何平衝後便可以「ironman式」直飛上天空。學習 flyboard,就像學踏單車、滑水、滑浪、滑冰或任何其他活動,”平衡”是關鍵的一環;如想進一步學習 flyboard,只要約 3小時,在專業教練指導下,參加者基本上亦能掌握 flyboard 的所有基本技巧,享受這種新興運動所帶來的不一樣刺激感!

other thing you need to know about Flyboard ...
the Flyboard boot size adjusts from Men Size 6 to 12. Larger size boots are available at request. For sizes 6, they can use neoprene socks. With the Flyboard Kit you will need a Flyboard Certified Operator or Instructor on the Jet Ski to power the Flyboard. With the Electronic Management Kit, you will be able to operate the Flyboard by yourself, but we require that a person be on the jet ski as a spotter in case of emergency.

There is 350lb weight restriction to use the Flyboard. For a large person, the more horsepower the Jet Ski will have to be. Example: Someone weighs 255 pounds can fly up to 29.5 feet and travel proximately 18.5 miles per hour, with a 255 horsepower Jet Ski. On a 100 horse Jet Ski that same person can fly up to 13 to 16.5 feet and travel proximately 8 to 10.5 miles per hour.

Flyboard 所提供的滑水鞋可調整由 US6 號至 US12 號最高可承重 350磅的飛行者,適合大部份人士使用。由於 FLYBOARD 需要連接水上電單車以提供動力,因此需要一位具有水上電單車牌照的伙伴,可確保活動可以安全進行之外,亦能按照你的要求及實際情況調整水上電單車的動力(即轉數),讓你最高可以飛至29.5尺,時速每小時 18.5公里。



操作原理 :

Flyboard® 入水能游, 出水能飛, 就好像可以裝上能源可以自行推動的滑水板一樣!Flyboard® 用水流噴射器噴出高壓水柱作為動力,連接水上電單車以提供動力,利用噴氣流技術,通過一根巨大的軟管吸取海水,然後再從腳底的噴水系統,以高壓水柱當作90% 的推進力,加上兩個可用來操縱和保持飛行器穩定的手柄、一個控制速度的節流閥和兩個水流噴射器,把使用者推上高空,並維持在空中的平衡。


Its intuitive use provides you exceptional sensations.
After a few minutes you can already move underwater like a dolphin and challenge the gravity like a superman!


FLYBOARD 為您提供特殊的感覺。



租用Flyboard® / 購買Flyboard® 產品


Basic Kit (for 2 persons)
• 1 ROTATION SYSTEM (composed of specific plastic bearing balls in order to avoid corrosion, we developed a self-cleaning system using water pressure which allows the rejection of sand…)
• 2 HOSES with handle with nozzles attached to the arms with a Velcro system
• 1 BIG HOSE which provides pressured water from the PWC to the Flyboard®
• 1 180° ELBOW which reverses the PWC water outlet



• 板
• 滑水鞋1對
• 轉動系統(由特定的塑料球,以避免腐蝕,我們開發了一個自清潔系統,利用水的壓力,減少沙塵)
• 2 軟管與手柄的噴嘴
• 大軟管 (把水從PWC傳送到Flyboard®)
• 180°彎頭反轉的PWC出水口
• 噴嘴



MING KEE Shipyard Limited


A.M Lot , 14 Shum Wan Road , Aberdeen , Hong Kong


Phone : 852 - 2641 - 2333 (查詢時注明經88DB 可享專屬優惠! 額滿即止)


Fax : 852 - 2641 - 2334


Email : [email protected]


Website : www.flyboard.com.hk



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