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印章環保袋/ 帆布袋/ Recycle Stamp Tote Bag/ Drawing Tote Bag/ Painting Tote Bag/ Art Jamming
Leisure-Entertainment / Art & CraftOC Workshop _ Organic Creative Workshop

現正推出Art Jam時段優惠!每節時段為2小時,已包括20x30cm畫布、顏料、畫具、飲品

HKY Design Workshop每款設計揉合不同圖案及色彩元素,拼湊出抗衡的平行感。另可度身訂造不同顏色配搭。

Tsim Sha Tsui, Studio for art jam party, also cater onsite art,offers private & group art class for kids or adults, perfect choice for you, art jamming event & lessons www.artexplosion.com.hk

Attention to all the passionate ART LOVERS out there, who breathes, craves and desires ART Expose to the world for the very first time in Hong Kong . Exhibition: JLEE 360 Artist Reception: March 8th,
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